Monday 28 May 2012

End of Utila, Nicaragua and Costa Rica

My four fun dives were very tiring but alot of fun. Saw lots of eels and cool fish. Spent one more night in Utila where I went for a drink with my friend Meddie at his new apartment, he is about to do dive master. Went to bed and got up the following morning for the 6 o clock ferry. Arrived in La Ceiba and got a taxi to what I thoight was the right bus station, turns out there are two so after some confusion I found the other bus station where I met these Norwegians who were also going to Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, so we decided to share a taxi and go to the same place to stay when we got there. When we got there we were whisked away into a taxi to head off to this hotel I thought was cheap. When we arrived first the taxi driver went back on his word on how much we had to pay, 50 rather than 15 and so tried to drive away with my bag in the boot. The hotel was not 15 US dollars like I thought but 30 so we decided to share a room to save money. Tegucigalpa is a dangerous city so I spent most of the evening with the Norwegians watching films in our hotel room.

I left the following morning at 4 to head for Nicaragua where I would be staying in a place called Granada. The first bus I was put on was the best I have been on yet, double decker, huge seats English films and they gave me a blanket and pillow with a mc muffin. Sadly they moved me to another bus which wasnt so great. The border crossing was confusing as usual, they take your passport and dont tell you whats happening. I made it through though and after a quick bus change at Managua I arrived in Granada.

I spent 4 days in Granada relaxing and walking round it was more a place to rest. I then took a night bus to Costa Rica's capital San Jose where sadly the hostel I wanted to go to was full so I stayed at a pretty rubbish hotel for one night. Got a bus to a place called Manuel Antonio a tourist beach resort with the 11th most beautiful national park in the world. First night I stayed in a pretty rubbish hostel which I left the following morning to go to one called Vista Serena. This hostel has an amazing view of the Pacific Ocean and very nice staff. I arrived at 11 and met 12 Americans who were going to the beach so I tagged along. Had a great evening and alot of fun when we went out to a local bar. The following morning we went surfing early where I made the biggest mistake of the trip, not putting enough or taking enough sun tan lotion. I was in the water trying to surf for 6 hours which was great but I payed the price with terrible burns. The following day I took a trip to the National Park where I saw monkeys, soldier ants and tonnes of reptiles. The park has the most gorgeous beaches I have ever seen, white sand and blue water, however thanks to the very painful burns I stayed in the shade.

I booked my bus back to San Jose today at 11 but when I was down in the town I started getting a stinging itch on my burns on my back. When I got back to the hostel it got worse to an almost uncontrollable fit from me. It was the single most painful and irritating thing that has ever happened to me. I was in a shower for an 1 and a half and after that I ran to the hostel to get help where they put ice on my back and gave me 3 litres of water. It is better but I went to the chemist and got this stuff so Im hoping that will do the trick otherwise my bus journey tomorrow is going to be horrible.

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