Tuesday 1 May 2012

Puerto Escondido

I arrived at Puerto Escondido at 8 o clock in the evening after spending 14 hours on a bus on winding roads through the mountains. I got a taxi to the hostel which was called Tower Bridge. It's an English run hostel with a pool,bar, pool table and other things. You walk in and it's full of posters of the Beatles and Rod Stewart. That night I went to bed pretty quickly but met the Aussies staying in my room later that night.  The following day I went down to the beach with a Belgium guy called Kobe. Took 30 mins to walk down but it's well worth it. The beach was a little cove with 200 steps down to it. We met up with the Aussie girls from last night and relaxed at the beach. The water was warmer than our swimming pool, it was clear blue. Something you will never see in England. Tried my luck at surfing but the strong currents and waves which were ridiculously big made sure I did not stand up.  Went back to the hostel wondering whether that burning sensation on my back was just a bit of sun burn. The Aussie guys had organised a BBQ for everyone if we chip in 50 pesos, about £2.50. While they were cooking the food we all ordered these amazing white rum and pineapple juice cocktails from the bar. The barman Jesse made some amazing drinks all night long.  The food was amazing, the Aussies had really put the effort in with potato salad, kebab sticks, pork chops, burgers and chorizo sausages. All 15 of us sat down for a great meal. Me being me I polished off any left overs. The humidity here means you don't eat much so this was my first proper meal in days. After that we played drinking games and played volleyball In the pool.  The following day I was a little fragile so relaxed by the pool all day and then went to meet the Aussies friends who had an apartment by the beach. We had some drinks there and then went to a reggae party which was on the beach. Nice evening, the shots they had though tasted like pineapple and milk so didn't drink much.  Was very relaxed up till then, did very little the following day, the big highlight was the fish tacos I had at the beach that evening before I left. They were amazing. Probably the best thing i have had since being out here. I'm now in San Cristobal after a 14 hour bus journey overnight. Bloody bus driver played lelo and stitch 1 and 2 all the way up till 1 in the morning. This is where I will turn 19 in this very scenic city.

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