Saturday 28 April 2012

Mexico- what an introduction!!

Got the flight at 1 in the morning but one of the passengers had a heart attack so we were delayed by 2 hours while she was taken off. The delay meant it looked unlikely that I would get to the tour bus in time which was in the centre of Mexico city. I was whisked away to a taxi at the airport and told the driver to drive fast. Should have phrased that differently, it was scary fast. No matter what people say about driving in London, this is 100 times worse. There is no organisation. Even the traffic police are ignored. I did however arrive on time for the tour and was put in a mini van by the tour guide. We drove into the heart of the city to see the ruins of some Aztec temples. These temples had a lot of sacrifices weekly. On special days 1800 people could be sacrificed from the surrounding villages, these where either soldiers captured in battle or villagers. It was no wonder the Aztec enemies joined forces with the Spanish.  After that we drove to a restaurant just outside the pyramids where we had an all you can eat meal and unlimited amounts of local tequila. After that we went to the pyramids of teotihuacan. These were huge structures which could take 20 mins to walk to the top. They were both used for sacrifices by the people who abandoned the city in around 800AD. One of the temples I believe specialised in the sacrificing of children. It was an amazing city.  After that I returned to the hostel where i waited for my night bus to Oaxaca city. After the 6 hour long journey I arrived at 6 in the morning at Oaxaca. I got a taxi to the hostel but only had 500 pesos, about 23 quid notes. The fair was 60 pesos about one pound. The driver gave me 10 pesos back and drove off. It being 6 in the morning I did not take much notice of how much I had been ripped off. I went in got a nice room and fell asleep for a few hours. Woke up and met the owner of the hostel who spoke good English. I told him about the taxi, he was fuming that they rip off his customers. We both looked at the CCTV but couldn't see the number plate. So we drove down to the taxi depot where Habe the hostel owner spoke to the taxi companies boss who sat me down in front of 5 huge files all with pictures of the 800 drivers.  On book 5 it seemed like an impossible task but as I was about to give up a person stood next to me. When I looked up it was the driver. I said it was him and after correctly identifying the drivers taxi I watched the driver get told off by his boss and with that he gave me back the 500 pesos and in turn I gave him back the 10 pesos just to be cheeky. Habe said some words on his way out that should not be repeated on this blog. I had a relaxing evening by the pool, I was the only person at the hostel.  The next morning I got a bus into town which was tricky to understand where to get off and how to say can I get off here please. I over shot the place I wanted to go but turned up at this huge colonial church. Inside the, roof, the alter and the walls were all decorated in gold. I got a guided tour and learnt about the deep Catholicism that runs through Latin America.  After that I went to a market where I got leather belts for 5 pounds and lunch for 3 quid. I went back to the hostel where as i was reading my book i got a view of the police raiding a house. A few gun shots here and there. It was a very relaxed day so not much to say about it. I had a bus at 9:30 which would take me to puerto Escondido a surf town full of Aussies and the English. 

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