Sunday 15 April 2012

So it begins, 8,500 km trip in 1 month

Was up till three last night making the finishing touches to my trip. Pretty excited and nervous. My house mate Jen moved into my room this morning so I had to finish packing pretty quickly. Had to ditch a lot of things before I left, I seem to have more paper in my room then a post office. Have spent most of the day saying goodbye to people in Banff and taking bags of chocolates round to everyone. I have lived here for the last 4 months so it's pretty weird thinking I'm going. My bus for Vancouver leaves at 8:30 this evening, I have a 12 hour bus journey ahead of me. Hopefully I get some sleep. I'm hoping I will have a reasonable amount of wifi for this blog but in some places I may not have any so sorry about that.

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