Monday 23 April 2012

Seattle to L.A.

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Haven't had a moment to sit down and write something. Well the 23hr journey from Seattle to San Francisco was probably one of the most enjoyable journeys. Really relaxed, great views and very comfortable. Way better than a plane. Arrived at San Francisco at 8 in the morning in the financial district with no idea where I was. I had to ask a few people about finding the hostel. I can't do that in central America so next time I've got to work out my destinations before I get there. I turned up in my ski coat, sweater, jeans and walking boots, the typical look for Canada but in 25 degrees i cooked myself. After a 45 minute walk up hill I nearly died from over heating. Before I even checked in I asked for a shower. After my shower and change into shorts I headed to where the famous trams go. Went to the fishermans wharf by tram where I saw the sights and went in a very cool 3D mirror maze. Relaxed for the rest of the day at the hostel. The following morning I got the open top tour bus around the city. I stopped off at the science centre to have a look. It was an impressive museum with the largest planetarium in the world. Taking it all in was impossible. After that i went and saw the famous golden gate bridge. Got back to the hostel to find my room mate josh had signed us up for the karaoke night. So I sung two songs, Y.M.C.A and sex on fire. Was a lot of fun and with free beers, first I'd had in a week thanks to the drinking law made it an enjoyable evening. That night however I found out that my train tickets from San Francisco to L.A had just arrived in Canada. I was told it would be ok but the following morning I was told a very different story. Woke up at 5 in the morning, got to the train station, went to pick up my tickets and I was told that I needed the originals, with no other option I had to buy new tickets. So for the rest of the morning I was in a pretty bad mood. The train this time wasn't as nice, with it being very hot the viewing car was like an oven so I stayed in my seat for most of the journey. I arrived at 9 o clock in the evening to find I had to navigate my way by bus out of l.a to the out skirts. Turns out at night the funny people are about. I had to borrow this guys phone to call the family friends I were staying with and if I'm honest he seemed a little dodgy. I made it though and pretty much passed out as soon as I got into bed. The following day was a relaxed day just wondering around. Today I went to universal studios, took me 3 hours to get there and for 50 quid admission I found it a little dissapointing. The studio tour was typically over American with the guide trying to act out scenes with the exhibits which were very cheesy and rubbish. Went back to the house and have just been dropped off at the airport. I'm now sitting on the ground where there is wifi waiting for my flight that leaves at 1 in the morning.

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